Friday, November 19, 2010

Honesty strikes the right 'Cord'

last week I spent my evenings painting a pair of modern Chuck Taylors. I say modern as they had way more eyelets than usual as well as a few more stripes. Funky shoe though. The customer goes by the name 'Cord' and is lucky enough to receive these kicks as a gift from his cousin.

The bubble writing is very reminiscent of 80's graffiti and is a favourite of many High school artists. In this case I felt it would make a bold, retro statement.

Cord, enjoy your new kicks!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Tiki Monster Sneakers

Welcome my latest pair of honesty one-of-a-kind hand-painted sneakers. These bad boys are based on a painting I did a while back. They have been painted on Burnt Orange Canvas Chuck Taylor All Stars.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

New Honesty Sketches

I was finishing up a couple of drawings in my sketchbook on Sunday, as well as sketching a few new ones. In the process I developed some new characters. Im not quite sure what they are yet, but I do know that their outfits of choice generally include helmets and armour.

Honest Akuma

This is my latest digital work. It started out as an acrylic painting which I thereafter manipulated using Photoshop.

Here's a pic of the the original painting. I used pencil, black drawing ink and acrylic paint.
By the way, Akuma is a character from the popular video game 'Street Fighter 2'.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

honesty tree

I've been attending 'Art Jamming Sessions' for the last two weeks at the school I teach at. The sessions involves learners and teachers who take an interest in the arts. Today was the second of my sessions and I completed this painting entitled 'honesty Tree'.

I used black drawing ink on an illustration board and it took me roughly three hours to complete -to this stage anyways.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Gunslinger post Battle

This is my latest Gunslinger pic. I sketched it with a black ball point pen. It took me about an hour all together. I intend on adding colour to it in the near future.

honesty Gunslinger and Gothic honesty Girl

I realized today that I hadn't loaded these sketches up yet. I did them at the end of 2009. The Gunslinger is one of my favourite characters to draw and Im hoping to develop the character further.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Super Honest

The Doomsday series of comics was the inspiration behind this pair of kicks. The client didnt have a specific design in mind and allowed me to run with the idea. In this specific series of comics Superman comes up against one of his most formidible foes, Doomsday. Check out this link to learn more about Doomsday:

Much like my previous works, I used Fabric paint for this particular piece. I started off with a washy underpainting and then worked in detail over it. I used an embosing gun to heat seal the paint to prevent it from washing out. I did three seperate heat sealing sessions, one on each layer of paint to ensure that this masterpiece stands the test of time.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Squishy Skulls

This is the latest in my Honesty Sneaker Series. Ive entitled it Squishy Skull.

Its really refreshing when a client comes to me with an original idea for a shoe. In this case the client wanted a 'tentacally skull'. I was like 'ahhh ok cool'.

After a few sketches, some paint and a heat gun...this was the end result.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Honesty and Tetris

Here is another pair of hand painted Honesty sneakers. It was inspired by the classic 8-bit Nintendo game Tetris. This particular pair proved to be a crowd favourite.

IceBerg Dreams

This is a pair of Converse Jack Purcells I customised for a client in about 2007. I used fabric paint and sealed it with a heat gun that is usually used for embossing. Ive done many pairs since, but this is still one of my favourites.

Beehive Jenny Step Back

Here are two pencil sketches I did in 2009, 'Beehive Jenny' and 'Step Back', respectively. they are both on A4 paper.