Wednesday, August 18, 2010

New Honesty Sketches

I was finishing up a couple of drawings in my sketchbook on Sunday, as well as sketching a few new ones. In the process I developed some new characters. Im not quite sure what they are yet, but I do know that their outfits of choice generally include helmets and armour.

Honest Akuma

This is my latest digital work. It started out as an acrylic painting which I thereafter manipulated using Photoshop.

Here's a pic of the the original painting. I used pencil, black drawing ink and acrylic paint.
By the way, Akuma is a character from the popular video game 'Street Fighter 2'.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

honesty tree

I've been attending 'Art Jamming Sessions' for the last two weeks at the school I teach at. The sessions involves learners and teachers who take an interest in the arts. Today was the second of my sessions and I completed this painting entitled 'honesty Tree'.

I used black drawing ink on an illustration board and it took me roughly three hours to complete -to this stage anyways.